Use your finger in a circular motion and pretend you're trying to make the tick dizzy. This will remove most reasonably sized ticks. ...
Watch this episode of the Dog Whisperer podcast to learn how to dominate an aggressive caged dog. ...
Watch this Dog Whisperer podcast & learn how Cesar Millan trains a dog to stop barking at his owners' guitar playing. ...
Here is a general information video on crate training for dogs and puppies. It contains instructional information and explains the benefits of crate training. ...
Train your dog on the dog agility weave poles by watching this instructional video. Learn some simple tips and techniques that will help your dog become successful at weaving poles. ...
Watch this video to learn some helpful tips that you will need to introduce your dog to the agility weave poles. ...
This video contains general information regarding pet allergies, what your dog may have, how to prevent it and treat it. ...
Katherine Heigl gets advice about how to train her overly aggressive dog. The "advice" comes half way into the video so you may want to fast forward. ...
Carnivores, like dogs and cats are relatively resistant to tetanus compared to other species like horses, guinea pigs and humans. However they can occasionally be affected and it can then be a dramati ...
Learn the correct way to professionally shave your poodle to prepare it for the summer. After you shave the body, you'll need to trim the head - this is covered in the second video. ...